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    CreateSomething  52, Female, Texas, USA - 86 entries
Aug 2008
12:27 AM CST

Who I Am

This is my list of Who I Am today... My 15 minutes in the morning to think about nothing but me, which is going to be hard with everything going on at the present moment. Anyway, here goes my list of who I am...

I am a mother, I am a SISTER, I am a daughter, I am a girlfriend, I am an aunt, I am a granddaughter, I am a woman, I am a push over, I am a fool, I am selfish, I can be hateful, I am inventive, I am creative, I am fat, I am a photographer, I love sitting by a fire, I love research, I hate my teeth, I hate my legs, I love my eyes and lips, I love music, I love chocolate, I want everyone to like me, I love camping, I love the ocean, I love a light rainto walk in, I love to sing, I am a listener, I am a traveler

Well, I am going to stop because my phone rings every 2 minutes with my boyfriend calling to talk about this and that. I guess I won't get my 15 minutes today. I knew this morning that this was not going to be a good day for me.

2 comment(s) - 09:15 AM - 09/17/2008

    CreateSomething  52, Female, Texas, USA - 86 entries
Aug 2008
1:44 PM CST

Finding Me!

I have had a problem with low self esteem for years now and sometimes I just lock myself up and avoid people for weeks. This all stemmed from a husband who beat me and the next who cheated, a large weight gain after quiting smoking,�along with a little teasing from the kids�in school and you are bound for disaster. Counseling did not help. I believe this is because they ask all kinds of questions about who I am. How can they help when I don't even know who I am? I have started something on my own to fix ME! Nobody knows me better than I don't know myself! LOL So, I am on a quest to find out who I am. I now set aside 15 minutes a day for me. It can not be about my children, work or boyfriend. This is about me. I get out paper and a pen and write down who I am. My list is not always the same but at least I will figure out who I am. Every day I evaluate the list from the day before and then write a new list for today. I am slowly learning the statements that truely define me and the ones that I was tricked into believing is me. You should do the same. Some examples from my list today was... I am a mother, I am a daughter, I am a granddaughter, I am a woman, I am a sister, I am an aunt, I could be a best friend to someone some day, I am a photographer, I am an animal lover, I am lazy, I am fat, I love my lips, I love my eyes, I hate my teeth, I hate my legs, I am controlling, I can be hateful, I am over eager to please, I want everyone to like me, I am selfish, etc... My list is very long and has some horrible things in it but that is who I am to ME and nobody knows me better than ME! It changes all the time and the things I don't like about me, can be changed by ME and only ME!

I think, over time, this will be very helpful to ME!

1 comment(s) - 10:42 AM - 05/24/2009

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